As a photographer, Despina Zaimis is always looking to reframe the familiar and to give new meaning to the subject she is photographing through her creative process. Especially when traveling, inspiration will come from the excitement of discovering a new place that will trigger an idea and lead to a new series of images. Photography allows her to create dreamlike worlds and vibrant cities, it helps her reflect on the beauty and impermanence of things in life and to produce images from symbols of the historic past. While taking photos makes her feel connected to the world, editing her images becomes a process of connecting to her inner self. She is drawn into post-processing her images by experimenting with different editing styles, colours, textures and tones, depending on the theme she has chosen to work on. Fascinated by the way the process of editing can intensify and transform her photos into completely new images, her aim is to evoke the beauty, vibrance and mystery of life, as she sees and perceives it through her creative process.
Despina studied Art and graphic Design at St Martins School of Art and London College of Communication. She worked for a number of years as an Art Director in international advertising agencies before moving with her family to live in different parts of the world and gradually being drawn into photography. Living in Japan for a few years was the experience that triggered her love for this art form and inspired her to start capturing the places and people she came across. Her images at times become more abstract and minimalistic, while at other times, they are full of colour and vibrancy, depending on the theme she is working on and the final image she has envisioned to create.
2018 - "La Nature des Formes" - Brussels, Belgium
2019 - "Art & Design" - Brussels, Belgium
2020 - "Connecting Worlds" - Brussels, Belgium
2020 - "Women's Eye", A focus on Women Photographers - Photo Kyiv Fair (online)